Product Review: Quartex® High Torque, Set & Forget, 3 Battery Pack Quartz Clock Movement
The Quartex® High Torque, Set & Forget, 3 Battery Pack Movement is a 3-in-1 clock movement that’s powerful, smart, and long-lasting. Read the review below to find out how this clock movement works, what its most notable features are, and who should buy it.

Equipped With Power
This clock movement is equipped with High Torque power, which means it is capable of running the longest clock hands on the market today. We recommend using our extra long clock hands with this movement – choose from 8” to 17 ½” hands in various styles to complement your clock’s style.
Set & Forget – Is it really that easy?
The answer is YES! It really is that easy. Simply select your time zone on the back of this clock movement, and the correct time and date are automatically displayed. You will never have to adjust the time settings on your clock when your movement is powered by our patented Set & Forget technology.
Inside this quartz clock movement, you’ll find a microchip “calendar” that is preprogrammed with the date and time until 2030. The microchip calendar enables the clock movement to automatically spring forward and fall back at Daylight Saving Time without a radio controlled signal.
In the fall, you’ll notice the clock movement will move the hands forward 11 hours at an accelerated speed to achieve a set back of one hour. In the spring, the movement will move the hands forward one hour at an accelerated speed to achieve the advance of one hour.
If you like the fact that you won’t have to update the time of your clock until 2030 with this motor, you’ll also enjoy this movement’s next notable feature.
Long-Lasting Power
This clock movement features long lasting power, thanks to its extended life battery pack. Simply insert three AA batteries to give this movement power to run up to five years. Trust us, you’ll enjoy the convenience of not having to take down your wall clock for five years!
Who Should Buy It?
After testing and working with this clock movement, we would highly recommend it to anyone who is creating a large wall clock or looking for a low maintenance clock movement. The price is right for this movement. It’s easy to assemble and use in clock projects, and offers long-lasting power and smart technology.